Disney Road Trip with Kids

15 Ways to Get the Magic Started on the Road
Disney is a great destination for family members of all ages! If you are taking a road trip to a Disney destination, why not start the fun in the car on the way. Here are some ideas about how to make your ride “magical.”
So where to start:
Dress up your Food
Packing lunches and snacks on your road trip can save you time and money! Why not get creative and enhance your Disney experience?
Cut it Up: Use Mickey or other Disney character shaped cookie cutters to cut your cookies or sandwiches. Disneyworld and Disneyland love to create Mickey shaped food, so you can get in the spirit by starting on the ride. If your are feeling artistic, you can cut the shapes yourself. If culinary art is not your cup of tea, we found this super cute Wilton Mickey Cookie Cutter Set on Amazon that will do the trick!
Add Funny Names: Rename your food to make it more Disney! Try serving Peter Pan PB&Js, Mini Mouse Muffins, Goofy Grapes, or Jiminy Crickets on a log (peanut butter with raisins on celery).
Decorate: Before the road trip, let the kids decorate paper lunch sacks with their favorite characters and colors. Then fill it with delicious snacks and let them enjoy.
Sticker Away: Turn a regular water bottle into a Disney themed one with wall cling or regular stickers.
Spice up the Entertainment
Keeping kids entertained on a road trip can be critical for your sanity! Below is a list of games and ideas that will not only help with your road trip to Disney, but also help you while waiting out lines in the parks.
Mickey or Tinkerbelle Prize Bags: Create prize bags for good behavior on the way. The dollar store has lots of Disney items that are very inexpensive; add a few to a prize bag for a fun surprise. Don’t have time to hit the dollar store? Order a Disney travel activity kit online and save the trip!
Disney Trivia: Take along some Disney Trivia cards, or create your own list for some Disney themed Q & A.
Disney 20 Questions: Have kids think of something or someone they are excited to see at the park and try to guess with yes and no questions.
Find Hidden Mickeys: Before you leave, hide a few Mickey shapes in the car (and your food) and have kids search for them along the way. You can even hide one on your car! We love this window decal of Mickey Mouse Disney Peeking Looking Car Window!
Get Technical: Stock up on Disney movies, download Disney Junior TV shows to your phone or iPad, listen to the WDW podcast station, or create a Disney station on Pandora.
Name that Tune: If your kids are Disney lovers, they can probably name the movie that a song is from before you can. Play name that tune with Disney music and see who can get it right first.
Picture This: Disposable cameras capture your child’s perspective at the Disney Parks, so let the kids capture some shots of your travels as well.
Ride in Style
Dressing up for Disney is a kid favorite. Start your dress up party in the car and keep the excitement rolling.
Paint those Toes: Style your feet with Disney Colors or create a Mickey shaped polka dot on one of the kids finger or toes.
Fairy-Dust their Hair: Add some glitter to hair gel for a little sparkle on the way and in the park.
Add Accessories: Inexpensive costume jewelry, tiaras, hats or pirate eye patches are great items to play dress up in the car without taking up too much space.
Nighttime Extravaganza: Purchase some new Disney character pajamas or princess costume sleep gown and pull them out for a surprise if you are going to be traveling at nighttime. Add some glow necklaces and bracelets from the dollar store and then you can pretend you are part of the Wishes Nighttime Spectacular Parade.
Whether in the car or in the park, there are a few essential items that you may not want to vacation without.
First Aid Kit: Buy a pre-made kit or make your own and store it in a zip lock bag.
Hand Sanitizer: The small bottles that attach to a bag or zipper are great to keep sanitizer accessible at all times.
Wipes and Paper Towels: A mess is inevitable with kids (and some adults), so be ready when it happens.
Extra Clothes in Ziploc Bags: Accidents happen. Keep an extra change of clothes in a Ziploc bag and then you will have a place to store the dirty clothes as well.
Check out More Ideas: We have a few more ideas for essential items for traveling with kids, car games, trivia, and important items to check on your car before hitting the road.