GM Throttle Body Issues in Extreme Cold

Throttle Body Issues on GM Vehicles in Extreme Cold
Some General Motors owners have been experiencing throttle body issues this past winter. This problem seems to be most common if you drive a GM vehicle that is about 3 – 5 model years old and live in a region that experiences cold temperatures during the winter. We mean really cold, around 20o F or below. Every manufacturer has its own set of issues and this article is not meant to imply that GM doesn’t make quality vehicles. This is just an issue that has increased lately and is important for GM drivers to know.
For your engine to function properly, it needs the proper ratio of fuel to air. The throttle body controls the amount of air that goes into your engine. Here is a good description from Car Talk.com, “The throttle body is the throat through which the air passes when you step
on the gas pedal.” When you push on your gas pedal, you are deciding how much gas goes into your engine. The harder you push the more gas that goes in. A sensor decides the appropriate amount of air to let into your engine in response to the amount of gas added. Based on the sensor’s determination, a flap (which is inside the throttle body or “throat”) opens and lets the proper amount of air into the engine. When there is a problem with the throttle body, the wrong amount of air goes into your engine.
It seems that cold temperatures are causing throttle body failure. If you have a throttle body problem, your check engine light will come on and your vehicle will most likely go into reduced power mode. This means you will probably not be able to drive more than 25 – 30 mph.
If you experience these symptoms and your technician determines it’s your throttle body, you are going to have to pay about $400 – $500 to replace it. Thanks again Mother Nature for a fabulous winter. Go to www.repairpal.com to get an accurate estimate for your car in your area of the country.