Removing Ink from your Seats

Remove Ink, Ink Transfer or Lipstick from your Car:
We received a great question from one of our readers: “My new jeans are leaving a dye on my light colored car seats. How do I remove ink? I’m going to the dealer today, but maybe there’s another girlfriend that has had this, too. My husband just thinks I should not wear jeans…great solution!” – Celeste Wolverton.
We went to our cleaning experts at Sharkcleaning.net and asked how to remove ink. Here is what you can do: “An Alcohol based “Ink Away” product, rubbing alcohol or even aerosol hair spray with high alcohol content (Aqua Net – that you might still have a can from the ’80’s) should remove ink from upholstery. He said to dab the spot with a white terry cloth towel, do not rub!” The goal here is to transfer the stain from the seat to the cloth, that is why you should use a white towel. A white towel does not have dye on it so it can only absorb the stain and not add to it. Do not use alcohol on leather seats, find an Ink Away product that is specifically designed for leather. Our expert also said that it is important to pick the right product first. Trying lots of different types of cleaning products can actually lock the stain in. If you do this, you may not be able to remove ink, lipstick or any other stain. If you are unsure, it is always best to see an expert first. They can probably remove ink or other stains for you. It is less expensive to pay for cleaning than it is to recover your seats.
As for stopping ink transfer from your jeans in the first place, this is not our expertise, but we did google a few solutions. Many sites say to wash your jeans in cold water to reduce the bleeding. We found a solution on Good HouseKeeping’s website that also sounds promising.
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