
Transfers power from your engine to your wheels.
Symptoms of Failure:
1. Your check engine warning light comes on.
2. You may experience shifting issues. The car may make a jerky motion, or it might not shift into gear, when going from drive to reverse or when taking off from a stop.
Care & Repair:
Failure of the actual transmission is rare these days: it’s more common that your transmission will need a software update. However, a few transmissions do still go bad (usually over 100,000 miles). Transmissions can be damaged by a failure to change your transmission fluid or some type of car accident. These days, many cars do not require you to change your transmission fluid, but there are still quite a few that do. Check your owner’s manual to determine if your car does require a change in transmission fluid. If it does require a change, make sure you have it done on time, usually about every 50,000 miles.
$2,000 – $3,000 to repair the actual transmission
Around $200 for a software update
Transfers power from your engine to your wheels.
Symptoms of Failure:
1. Your check engine warning light comes on.
2. You may experience shifting issues. The car may make a jerky motion, or it might not shift into gear, when going from drive to reverse or when taking off from a stop.
Care & Repair:
Failure of the actual transmission is rare these days: it’s more common that your transmission will need a software update. However, a few transmissions do still go bad (usually over 100,000 miles). Transmissions can be damaged by a failure to change your transmission fluid or some type of car accident. Ten years or more ago, it was more common for the actual transmission to need repair or replacement.
NOTE: Independent places (non-dealerships) may not always have access to software upgrades. They may not always realize that your car needs a software upgrade and that the actual part is okay.
These days, many cars do not require you to change your transmission fluid, but there are still quite a few that do. Check your owner’s manual to determine if your car does require a change in transmission fluid. If it does require a change, make sure you have it done on time, usually about every 50,000 miles. There are some automotive professionals who believe that if you do not get your transmission fluid changed on schedule, then you change it after a long period of time, you can actually do more damage than if you had not changed the fluid at all. This does not mean that you should not change your fluid if your car requires it: it means that you need to change it on time.
You can also damage your transmission by running over something (your transmission pan is located at the bottom of your car) or by getting into a car accident.
There are some car manufacturers that will replace your transmission if it has a problem and some that will repair it. Either way, it’s probably going to be really expensive.
If you have an actual problem with your transmission (not the software), it’s one of the most expensive repairs or replacements for your car. It could be $2,000 – $3,000. If you need a software upgrade, it’s probably going to be a few hundred dollars. Many software upgrades will be covered under your emissions warranty, which is usually 80,000 miles. If a software upgrade is causing a safety issue, manufacturers will generally not charge you for the software upgrade. For an accurate estimate for your car, in your part of the country, go to www.repairpal.com.